Correctionville Flood Relief - Holstein

United Bank of Iowa Donates to Correctionville Flood Relief
United Bank of Iowa recently donated $2,458 to the Correctionville Flood Relief fund. This money was raised during United Bank of Iowa's UNITED TOGETHER Makes the Difference Cause Day effort. This donation will go toward relief efforts for those affected by the flooding in the Correctionville area. Funds will be used to secure food, clothing, supplies, etc. for the victims.
United Bank of Iowa employees, from the Holstein and Cushing offices, presenting the check are Brittany Boyle, Kirsten Dausel, Ron Rice, Katie Downing, Brooke Joy, Sheila O'Connell, Taylor Volkert, Marcus Prell, and Sarah Zupp. On hand to accept the donation for the Correctionville Flood Relief were Makenna Lewis, Jessie Bogenrief, Chrissa Gray, Colton Gray, and Justin Beeson.