The United Difference - Strong Connections

What develops strong community connections and why are they important? For Lee Schoof, Branch Manager of our Harlan office, the seed of a community mindset was planted early. He commented, “Growing up on a family owned and operated dairy farm and being involved in 4-H and FFA programs resulted in great memories and lifelong friends. I knew early on that I wanted to find a way to give back to these organizations and remain involved in some way.”

Lee, who has served on the Shelby County Fair Board for the past 11 years and is their current Treasurer, has helped interview youth applying for state 4-H scholarships, judged at District FFA contests, as well as many other activities. Lee continued, “My greatest enjoyment is my involvement with the county fair. Seeing youth spend time with their friends, while taking pride in their projects, brings back many memories and makes me look forward to giving my kids these same opportunities.” He is also proud of the organization’s large strides over the past several years including hosting concerts, a bull ride and substantial growth in business sponsorships.  

Lee’s passion for pheasant hunting led to his involvement with the Pheasants Forever chapters in Ida County and now in Shelby County for 12 years, serving as Treasurer the past 4 years. He commented, “It’s been challenging and rewarding to be a part of bringing new life to the chapter, hosting banquets again, completing controlled CRP burns, supporting our local trap team and youth events, awarding a local scholarship, the purchase of 55 acres for public hunting, and more. I’m proud to be part of the growth and success resulting in a national ranking for memberships and being recognized as one of the Chapters of the Year.”

For both organizations, these are all accomplishments that couldn’t be done without a great board of directors, solid individual relationships, and strong community connections. Lee stated, “Organizations like these have helped me become a part of the community.  I’m thankful that my wife, Brittany, and my kids also understand the importance of volunteering and have come to realize it is part of our lives. I will always encourage others to become involved in whatever they are passionate about . . . that is how you build strong community connections!”