UBI Donates to Cushing's New Sign on Highway 20

United Bank of Iowa recently donated $2,000 to the Old 20 Community Development Corporation (CDC) for the completion of a new sign on highway 20 to invite travelers to Cushing.

Sheila O’Connell, representing the Cushing office of United Bank of Iowa, stated, “As a community bank, giving back to the community we serve is a priority. United Bank of Iowa is proud to support this worthwhile project in placing a lighted sign on Hwy 20 that will invite and welcome travelers to Cushing.”

The new sign has truly been a community effort. Old 20 Community Development Corporation partnered with the Cushing Betterment Club on this project.  Keith Jackson from the Old 20 CDC states, “UBI’s donation of $2000 is very appreciated as we work on this very worthwhile project.” Proceeds from Old Fashioned Wednesday Night – Cruise into Cushing have been donated, as well as a grant from the MHRD.  A campaign letter to get more funds have been sent to community citizen as well as area businesses.

Pictured left to right are Ron Rice and Taylor Kuhl from United Bank of Iowa, Keith Jackson of Old 20  CDC, and Sheila O’Connell and Brooke Joy, UBI employees and Sign Committee Members from the Cushing Betterment Club.